House Hack: The Simple Guide
Have you wondered how to House Hack?
House Hacking is when you live in one unit or room, and rent out another unit or room in the property.
When you House Hack, somebody else is paying down your mortgage every month, allowing you to reach financial freedom much quicker.
This is the guide I wish I had when I started. I wrote it ultra easy to read. It takes about 25-30 minutes to read it all. You will be inspired and ready to begin investing in real estate after reading it.
Here's what you will walk away learning from House Hack: The Simple Guide:
✅ High-level -- What is house hacking? What are the wins financially through this strategy?
✅ What types of House hack properties exist?
✅ How to fund your House Hack with Low Money Down (3-5% down).
✅ Which type of mortgage product is best: FHA, Conventional, or other?
✅ How to analyze a potential house hack duplex (or other type of property).
✅ How to run the numbers, calculate cash flow, and generate expected ROI.
✅ Where to look for deals? On or off market? How to navigate putting an offer in / executing on a House Hack?
✅ Example of a real life House Hack deal with the numbers included.
When I was 23 years old, still a history teacher at a public school, I bought my very first house for $118,000...
I ended up renting out 2 of the 3 rooms to buddies for $450 / month each.
Then, we converted a back building into another unit and rented that out for $900 / month.
My mortgage payment at this time was just over $500, while my income coming in was $1800. I was cash flowing well on my primary residence!
This deal allowed me to attain a basic level of financial independence, and later branch off into future real estate investments. Now, I own a portfolio of 12 units ($2M of real estate) and I'm working to complete financial freedom. None of this would have been possible without house hacking back when I was 23 years old.
Read this 25-page eBook to gain an understanding on the steps you can take to begin your real estate investing journey!
The eBook